Mar 24, 2010

What Is Meant By Optonline Webmail

What Is Meant By Optonline Webmail:Cablevision’s very own “Optimum Online” is often referred as “Optonline.” So what is the “Optonline” buzz exactly all about? In a nutshell, it’s an online service, which enables one to boost the speed of his / her existing internet connection. You can either do that or you can take up their broadband Internet service as well, which is sure to offer more speed than the regular online boosting.

The Optimum Online Boost charges your bandwidth with an additional 30 Mbit/s downstream and 5 Mbit/s upstream. They offer another service called Optimum Online Ultra. It boasts to kick your existing bandwidth limits up to 101 Mbit/s downstream and 15 Mbit/s upstream.

The company offers free WiFi as well. It has points located in public areas like train stations, and shopping centers, from where you can get access to free WiFi.
