Mar 25, 2010

Indian Agencies Working In Balochistan :PM

Indian Agencies Working In Balochistan :PM:Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said that Pakistan has evidence of Indian intervention in Balochistan.

The Prime Minister (PM) while speaking in the Senate said unlike the previous governments that tried to strengthen ‘One Party Rule,’ the PPP-led coalition government had worked for reconciliation in politics.

The Prime Minister said that on the day he assumed office, he announced the manifesto of coalition government and it also had the endorsement of Pakistan Muslim League-N. “We’ve tried to implement our manifesto in the most difficult times,” he added.
Gilani said his government had convinced the world that Pakistan was playing a crucial role as a frontline state against terrorism.

It had suffered massive losses in its fight against terrorism including the economic sector.

“Unlike the past when USA didn’t trust you, today the whole world is supporting Pakistan. Today Pakistan is being offered ‘Strategic Dialogue, which is a paradigm shift,” he said.

Prime Minister said he would inform the nation about the result that Pakistan would attain in the strategic dialogue and assured the nation that nothing would be kept secret from it. He said the Pakistan People’s Party from the day one had accorded priority to empowerment of the people of remote areas and added once terrorism was crushed political parties would then be allowed in Federal Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Gilani said he himself went to NWFP and announced a package for the relief of people, but if there was still any shortcoming in the package, it would be removed.

He directed Interior Minister Rehman Malik to resolve the problems faced by Pushtun people or in any other part of the country n acquiring National Identity Cards.
