Mar 23, 2010

New Judges Appointment

New Judges AppointmentI:SLAMABAD: Acting on the advice of Pakistan Muslim League-N, the parliamentary committee on constitutional reforms added another member to the judicial commission, brining the number of members to seven.

The decision was made at the meeting of CRC held in Islamabad on Tuesday.

It may be reminded here that the PML-N had given proposal to increase the members of judicial commission following the objections raised by the lawyers at a meeting with Mian Nawaz Sharif.

The seventh member will be a retired judge of the apex court and will be nominated by the judicial commission.

Earlier, in the previous meetings, the CRC had proposed a six-member judicial commission comprising the chief justice of Pakistan as the chairman, two senior-most judges of the Supreme Court, the federal minister for law and justice, the attorney general of Pakistan and a senior advocate to be nominated by the Pakistan Bar Council.
